Protect the furry members of your family with MetLife Pet Insurance

Animal Hospital

Our dogs and cats make each day brighter. That’s why now, more than ever, keeping them safe and healthy is important.

With MetLife Pet Insurance, you can help take the worry out of covering the cost of unexpected pet care. You may be able to cover up to 90% on veterinary expenses at any licensed veterinarian, specialist, or emergency clinic in the U.S.

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2021 Internship Program: Meet Our Interns!

The Pension Boards introduced its Summer Internship Program (SIP) in 2019 with five interns participating in a 10-week onsite program with key departmental leaders. When the pandemic made it necessary to work from home in 2020, a shorter, hybrid internship model was developed in which four interns spent one day a week onsite and worked remotely the remainder of the time. The program has proven to be a fruitful experience—both for the interns and the Pension Boards—as well as a talent pipeline for our organization. Three of our current staff colleagues began their professional careers with us following their internship experiences.

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2021 Annual Meeting Q&A's

Q&A Image

1. What are the profiles of our Trustees and Directors? And what is the process for selecting Trustees and Directors for service?

The Pension Boards and its affiliates are currently composed of 15 elected Trustee board members, and one Trustee member who serves by agreement as a result of their position as General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ. There are also two (non-Trustee) Directors appointed by the Chair serving on the United Church Board for Ministerial Assistance. The governing body numbers are established by resolution and conform to our bylaws. The Pension Boards seeks Trustees and Directors who bring skills and experience relevant to the financial services business.

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2020 Annual Report Magazine

To request a print copy of the Annual Report, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please include your name and postal mailing address in the request.

Online Payment Portal for Members and Employers

As a reminder – do not send any correspondence with your monthly invoice and check. Any forms or communications should be sent directly to our Member Services team by either email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; fax: 212.729.2701; or mail to: 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1020, New York, NY 10115.

Online payment is the new standard for the Pension Boards. Please transition your monthly payment to our online portals today! If you are not already using the portals, it’s quick and easy to get started and transactions are secure. Click here for detailed instructions to set up your account. Your account, including any outstanding balances, and employee salary information, must be up-to-date before you use online bill payment for the first time.

Employers: Click here for a new, updated User Guide for online bill pay.

Self-Pay Members: Click here for a User Guide for online bill pay.

Accessing Form 1099-R

Through Northern Trust’s Benefit Payment Participant Web Passport®, annuitants receiving monthly annuity payments can now easily access Form 1099-R and view the exact amount of their annuity payments.

Visit Northern Trust’s Benefit Payment Participant Web Passport® here: For assistance, contact the Northern Trust Benefit Payment Participant Service Center at 1.888.259.6835.

Investments: Pension Boards Invests $3.5 Million in Fannie Mae

The Pension Boards has invested $3.5 million in Fannie Mae’s $315 million Multifamily Social Bond (FNA 2021-M1S), under Fannie Mae’s Guaranteed Multifamily Structures program. The Pension Boards Sustainable Balanced Fund’s inaugural fixed-income investment is a multi-family social bond issued by Fannie Mae, which supports affordable housing initiatives in the U.S.