The Pension Boards is pleased to offer you a robust list of financial calculators to help give you direction with your finances. Do you want to estimate whether you have a reasonable amount of life insurance or visualize how making extra payments toward your debt will help you pay down your balances faster? Do you want to create an emergency fund savings goal, or estimate if you are on track for a savings goal? Get guidance on these topics and more by using the calculators below.
(S) = Spanish Version Also Available
Name | Description |
Snowball Debt Elimination Calculator (S) |
The Snowball Debt Elimination Calculator applies a simple principle to paying off your debt. This calculator illustrates the amount of interest and time you can save. |
Emergency Savings Calculator | Having adequate emergency savings can make unforeseen unemployment, auto repairs, medical emergencies, property damage and even legal issues more manageable. This calculator helps you determine how much emergency savings you may need, and how you can begin saving toward this important goal. |
Home Budget Analysis (S) |
Managing your monthly budget can be difficult and frustrating. One of the most important aspects of controlling your budget is to determine where your money is going. This calculator helps you do just that. By entering your income and monthly expenditures, you can see how much you have left to save and where your money is being spent. |
Don't Delay Your Savings! (S) |
Waiting to begin your savings plan may have an important impact on your results. A delay of even a few years could cost thousands of dollars. This calculator helps show you how much postponing your savings plan may really cost. |
Comprehensive Life Insurance Analysis (S) |
This comprehensive life insurance calculator includes detailed net worth analysis, budgeting, and college savings to help you decide how much life insurance you might need. You can also adjust the inflation rate and your expected rate of return to see how these variables can impact your insurance needs. |
Retirement Planner Calculator (S) |
Quickly determine if your retirement plan is on track - and learn how to keep it there. |
Clergy Housing Allowance Worksheet | Use this calculator to help determine the amount that a member of the clergy can claim as a housing allowance. |
Home Rent vs. Buy Calculator (S) |
Should you rent or should you buy your home? This calculator helps you weed through the fees, taxes, and monthly payments to help you decide between these two options. |
Auto Buy vs. Lease Calculator (S) |
Should you lease or buy your car? Use this calculator to find out! The tool calculates your monthly payments and your total net cost. By comparing these amounts, you can determine which is the better value for you. |
403(b) Savings Calculator (S) |
Estimates how much money you may have in your 403(b) Savings Plan at retirement. |
403(b) Contribution Effects on Your Paycheck Calculator (S) |
Use this calculator to see how increasing your contributions to a 401(k) can affect your paycheck as well as your retirement savings. |
Social Security Benefit Calculator (S) |
Use this calculator to help you estimate your Social Security benefits. Remember, this is only an estimate. Your actual benefits may vary depending on your actual work history and income. |
1040 Tax Calculator | Enter your filing status, income, deductions and credits, and the tool will estimate your total taxes. Based on your projected tax withholding for the year, the tool also estimates your tax refund or the amount you may owe the IRS. |
Benefit of Spending Less Calculator |
Reducing your spending can be worth more than you might think. Use this calculator to see just how much your budget reductions may be worth if you were to invest in them. View the value of this new potential nest egg both with and without taxes factored in. |
Debt Consolidation Calculator (S) |
Should you consolidate your debt? This calculator is designed to help determine if debt consolidation is right for you. |
Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) (S) |
Use the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) calculator to determine how much money will be distributed to you from your 403(b) account. |
Retirement Planner for Two Working Spouses with Different Retirements |
Use this calculator to help you create your retirement plan if you have two working spouses in your household. View your retirement savings balance and your withdrawals for each year until the end of your retirement. |
Should You Borrow from a 401(k) or 403(b)? |
Use this calculator to help you determine if you should borrow from your account and the potential impact on your retirement savings. |
Payroll Flexible Spending Account Calculator |
Use this calculator to see how participating in your employer's Health or Dependent Care FSA can help you pay less tax and increase your net take-home pay. |
Should I Refinance Calculator (S) |
How much interest can you save if you refinance your mortgage? The Should I Refinance Calculator helps you find out. |
Should my spouse work? |
This calculator is designed to help you see the financial impact of having either one or two incomes for your household. |